So Captain Moon and Sgt Carlson drove their men to exhaustion searching for their escape capsule. They managed to move overland incredible distances, though this began to take a toll, and ultimately some of the wounded were left behind with Filipino villagers, the Captain figuring that was the wounded Marines only hope for survival. Down to nothing but their personal weapons and the clothes on their backs, they passed through seemingly impenetrable terrain, and managed to secure transport to neighboring islands multiple times, by the good graces of friendly Filipinos.
The platoon continued to suffer as casualties grew sick and died from lack of medical supplies and treatment, but they moved southeast through the major islands of Mindoro, Panay, and many smaller ones, before arriving on the island of Negros, where Filipinos transported them in outriggers along the coast, until finally the platoon found the US Navy.

Captain Moon told Ensign Tolley that Surabaya sounded a helluva lot better than staying here in the Philippines, and so Ens Tolley welcomed the Marines aboard. At this point, only 23 Marines boarded:
13 were killed in action
5 more died of wounds enroute from Luzon to Negros Island
3 Marines were captured during fighting on Horseshoe Ridge
4 Marines had been wounded and evacuated to Cavite, and would be captured by the Japanese in March 1942
1 badly wounded Marine was left in the care of Filipino villagers on the island of Mindoro, and would be captured in July 1942
1 badly wounded Marine was left in the care of Filipino villagers further north on the island of Negros, and would be discovered and executed by the Japanese in May 1942
This left twenty able-bodied men of the platoon (though six of them were walking wounded), and three wounded Marines to board the USS Lanikai, though one of the wounded died during the transit to the Dutch East Indies.
The trip was long and arduous, but Ensign Tolley and his crew managed to successfully dodge the Japanese and navigate the Sulu Sea, the Celebes Sea, the Makassar Strait, and the Java Sea. On 3 Feb 1942, Ensign Tolley pulled the USS Lanikai into harbor at Surabaya on the island of Java in the Dutch East Indies. Once there the crew of the USS Lanikai and 1st Platoon parted ways; the remaining two Marine wounded were evacuated to Darwin, Australia, while 1st Platoon was brought up to full strength from Marines of the ships companies of the USS Marblehead, USS Boise, and USS Houston, then shipped out. Captain Moon and his Marines were stuffed aboard a Dutch trawler and shipped west to southern Sumatra, where they were charged with bolstering the Dutch garrison at Palembang.
**The USS Lanikai and its ordeal/journey is real, you can look it up, though the dates are kinda fuzzy as to when it actually departed the Philippines. That is, it left Mariveles Bay on 26 Dec 1941, and arrived at Surabaya on or about 3 Feb 1942, and we know the general route it took southeast through the Philippines then across into Indonesia, but I couldn't really figure out the dates attached to the locations. And now the Marines are at Palembang, go ahead and Google that. I've got two words for ya: Japanese paratroopers!
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